MapXtreme to MapServer

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE
Thu Dec 22 07:25:55 PST 2005

Alger, Richard @ Tempe wrote:
> We are considering migrating from MapXtreme to MapServer.  We use 
> ASP.NET on an IIS server to access the MapXtreme API.
> Would you direct me to resources, examples of this kind of migration and 
> any other resources?
> Thank You,
> Rich Alger

(Warning: Void, please cp /dev/null)


No no no, you got it all wrong! You have to tell MapInfo(r) to Open 
Source MapXtreme(tm) and call it MapServer Xtreme(lgpl). Then a 
miracle(c) happens and everything is done.

Best regards,
Santa Claus.

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