MapServer Release Candidate 1 Available

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Dec 27 07:18:09 PST 2005

Mike: That file and some extras in the mapscript subdirectories were missing. Apparently
my repository at home was missing a few things. I fixed that problem,  tagged those files 
for rc-1 and cut a new archive this morning. All should be well.


>>> Mike Leahy <mgleahy at GOLDEN.NET> 12/23/05 12:54 PM >>>

Looks like mapswf.h missing - at least I got errors saying it was, so I 
copied it from a previous nightly, after which everything compiled okay.


Steve Lime wrote:
> Just in time for the holidays, see:
> Thanks to all for their hard work on this release!
> Steve

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