.map and .tab files

Brent Fraser bfraser at GEOANALYTIC.COM
Tue Feb 1 07:11:29 PST 2005

Jose Luis,

  I had a quick look around and could not find a document that listed all
the ellipsoids supported by Proj.  As Norman Vine pointed out, the best
place to get that information is the proj executable itself, if you've  got
it compiled.  Here's the output from proj 4.4.9 (the results are formatted
better by a fixed-pitch font such as courier):

C:\proj-4.4.9\src>proj -le
    MERIT a=6378137.0      rf=298.257       MERIT 1983
    SGS85 a=6378136.0      rf=298.257       Soviet Geodetic System 85
    GRS80 a=6378137.0      rf=298.257222101 GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)
    IAU76 a=6378140.0      rf=298.257       IAU 1976
     airy a=6377563.396    b=6356256.910    Airy 1830
   APL4.9 a=6378137.0.     rf=298.25        Appl. Physics. 1965
    NWL9D a=6378145.0.     rf=298.25        Naval Weapons Lab., 1965
 mod_airy a=6377340.189    b=6356034.446    Modified Airy
   andrae a=6377104.43     rf=300.0         Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.)
  aust_SA a=6378160.0      rf=298.25        Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969
    GRS67 a=6378160.0      rf=298.2471674270 GRS 67(IUGG 1967)
   bessel a=6377397.155    rf=299.1528128   Bessel 1841
 bess_nam a=6377483.865    rf=299.1528128   Bessel 1841 (Namibia)
   clrk66 a=6378206.4      b=6356583.8      Clarke 1866
   clrk80 a=6378249.145    rf=293.4663      Clarke 1880 mod.
      CPM a=6375738.7      rf=334.29        Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799
   delmbr a=6376428.       rf=311.5         Delambre 1810 (Belgium)
  engelis a=6378136.05     rf=298.2566      Engelis 1985
  evrst30 a=6377276.345    rf=300.8017      Everest 1830
  evrst48 a=6377304.063    rf=300.8017      Everest 1948
  evrst56 a=6377301.243    rf=300.8017      Everest 1956
  evrst69 a=6377295.664    rf=300.8017      Everest 1969
  evrstSS a=6377298.556    rf=300.8017      Everest (Sabah & Sarawak)
  fschr60 a=6378166.       rf=298.3         Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960
 fschr60m a=6378155.       rf=298.3         Modified Fischer 1960
  fschr68 a=6378150.       rf=298.3         Fischer 1968
  helmert a=6378200.       rf=298.3         Helmert 1906
    hough a=6378270.0      rf=297.          Hough
     intl a=6378388.0      rf=297.          International 1909 (Hayford)
    krass a=6378245.0      rf=298.3         Krassovsky, 1942
    kaula a=6378163.       rf=298.24        Kaula 1961
    lerch a=6378139.       rf=298.257       Lerch 1979
    mprts a=6397300.       rf=191.          Maupertius 1738
 new_intl a=6378157.5      b=6356772.2      New International 1967
  plessis a=6376523.       b=6355863.       Plessis 1817 (France)
   SEasia a=6378155.0      b=6356773.3205   Southeast Asia
  walbeck a=6376896.0      b=6355834.8467   Walbeck
    WGS60 a=6378165.0      rf=298.3         WGS 60
    WGS66 a=6378145.0      rf=298.25        WGS 66
    WGS72 a=6378135.0      rf=298.26        WGS 72
    WGS84 a=6378137.0      rf=298.257223563 WGS 84
   sphere a=6370997.0      b=6370997.0      Normal Sphere (r=6370997)

And here's the list of supported projections:

C:\proj-4.4.9\src>proj -lp
aea : Albers Equal Area
aeqd : Azimuthal Equidistant
airy : Airy
aitoff : Aitoff
alsk : Mod. Stererographics of Alaska
apian : Apian Globular I
august : August Epicycloidal
bacon : Bacon Globular
bipc : Bipolar conic of western hemisphere
boggs : Boggs Eumorphic
bonne : Bonne (Werner lat_1=90)
cass : Cassini
cc : Central Cylindrical
cea : Equal Area Cylindrical
chamb : Chamberlin Trimetric
collg : Collignon
crast : Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4)
denoy : Denoyer Semi-Elliptical
eck1 : Eckert I
eck2 : Eckert II
eck3 : Eckert III
eck4 : Eckert IV
eck5 : Eckert V
eck6 : Eckert VI
eqc : Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree)
eqdc : Equidistant Conic
euler : Euler
fahey : Fahey
fouc : Foucaut
fouc_s : Foucaut Sinusoidal
gall : Gall (Gall Stereographic)
geos : Geostationary Satellite View
gins8 : Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK)
gn_sinu : General Sinusoidal Series
gnom : Gnomonic
goode : Goode Homolosine
gs48 : Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S.
gs50 : Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S.
hammer : Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff
hatano : Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area
imw_p : International Map of the World Polyconic
kav5 : Kavraisky V
kav7 : Kavraisky VII
krovak : Krovak
labrd : Laborde
laea : Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
lagrng : Lagrange
larr : Larrivee
lask : Laskowski
lcc : Lambert Conformal Conic
lcca : Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative
leac : Lambert Equal Area Conic
lee_os : Lee Oblated Stereographic
loxim : Loximuthal
lsat : Space oblique for LANDSAT
mbt_s : McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1)
mbt_fps : McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2)
mbtfpp : McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic
mbtfpq : McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic
mbtfps : McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal
merc : Mercator
mil_os : Miller Oblated Stereographic
mill : Miller Cylindrical
mpoly : Modified Polyconic
moll : Mollweide
murd1 : Murdoch I
murd2 : Murdoch II
murd3 : Murdoch III
nell : Nell
nell_h : Nell-Hammer
nicol : Nicolosi Globular
nsper : Near-sided perspective
nzmg : New Zealand Map Grid
ob_tran : General Oblique Transformation
ocea : Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area
oea : Oblated Equal Area
omerc : Oblique Mercator
ortel : Ortelius Oval
ortho : Orthographic
pconic : Perspective Conic
poly : Polyconic (American)
putp1 : Putnins P1
putp2 : Putnins P2
putp3 : Putnins P3
putp3p : Putnins P3'
putp4p : Putnins P4'
putp5 : Putnins P5
putp5p : Putnins P5'
putp6 : Putnins P6
putp6p : Putnins P6'
qua_aut : Quartic Authalic
robin : Robinson
rpoly : Rectangular Polyconic
sinu : Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed)
somerc : Swiss. Obl. Mercator
stere : Stereographic
sterea : Oblique Stereographic Alternative
tcc : Transverse Central Cylindrical
tcea : Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area
tissot : Tissot
tmerc : Transverse Mercator
tpeqd : Two Point Equidistant
tpers : Tilted perspective
ups : Universal Polar Stereographic
urm5 : Urmaev V
urmfps : Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal
utm : Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
vandg : van der Grinten (I)
vandg2 : van der Grinten II
vandg3 : van der Grinten III
vandg4 : van der Grinten IV
vitk1 : Vitkovsky I
wag1 : Wagner I (Kavraisky VI)
wag2 : Wagner II
wag3 : Wagner III
wag4 : Wagner IV
wag5 : Wagner V
wag6 : Wagner VI
wag7 : Wagner VII
weren : Werenskiold I
wink1 : Winkel I
wink2 : Winkel II
wintri : Winkel Tripel

For more information on each, have a look at

Brent Fraser

----- Original Message -----
From: Jose Luis Gonzalez
To: Brent Fraser ; Jose Luis Gonzalez ; MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] .map and .tab files

Thank you, very much again, it finally seems to work.
I have a question for you:
Once I know that it is a Krassovsky ellipsoid, how do you know the exact
word to put in the ellps option of the projection.
I mean, how did you know you had to put "ellps=krass" and not
"ellps=krassov" or "ellps=krassovsky" for example?
Where are the possibe values of the parameters of the projection defined?


Jose Luis

Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> wrote:
For a world file description, have a look at:

Sorry about the ellps info (it's not Clark 1866). Your tab file shows 1001
as the datum code. From the MapInfo doc, this indicates a datum of Pulkovo
1942, which uses the the Krassovsky ellipsoid. Your PROJECTION object
should i nclude the Proj4 keyword of "ellps=krass"


----- Original Message -----
From: Jose Luis Gonzalez
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] .map and .tab files

Sorry but I don't undersand what to do in point number 1.
How can I do a .tfw file? How does it look like?

and respect to point 3: how do you know which is the ellps parameter?


Jose Luis

Brent Fraser wrote:
Jose Luis,

Three possibilities:

1. The tiff might be a plain tiff, not a GeoTiff (with registration info
attached as a TIFF tag). Make a .tfw georeferencing "world" file for i t
using the information in the TAB file

2. You may have your false_easting and false_northing values swapped in the
PROJECTION object of your map file. Double check with the CoordSys
statement in t he TAB file.

3. No ellipse is gi ven in the PROJECTION object. Add "ellps=clrk66"

Since your output projection is the same as your input projection, you could
just remove the two PROJECTION objects in your map file. You would stillneed
to make a world file for the tiff file.

Brent Fraser

----- Original Message -----
From: Jose Luis Gonzalez
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 8:19 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] .map and .tab files

Hi everyone

I can not manage to draw a raster I have.
This raster is a .tiff file that has associated this .tab file:

!version 300
!charset WindowsLatin2
Definition T able
File "praha.tif"
(3445375,5 560000) (0,0) Label "Pt 1",
(3474000,5560000) (4507,0) Label "Pt 2",
(3474000,5539250) (4507,3266) Label "Pt 3"
CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 1001, "m", 15, 0, 1, 3500000, 0
Units "m"
RasterStyle 7 0

When I put this data to the .map file I write it as:

NAME praha
SIZE 800 500
EXTENT 3445375 5539 250 3474000 5560000
PROJECTION "pro j=tmerc" "lat_0=0" "lon_0=15" "k=1" 'x_0=0" "y_0=3500000"
IMAGEPATH "/opt/SUNappserver
IMAGEURL "/test8/"
NAME "Nighttime lights"
PROJECTION "proj=tmerc" "lat_0=0" "lon_0=15" "k=1" 'x_0=0" "y_0=3500000"
Am I doing it correctly?
Am I missin g anything?
Thank you
Jose Luis

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