USGS Urban coverage shapefile

Ed McNierney ed at TOPOZONE.COM
Tue Feb 1 19:00:57 PST 2005

Thomas -


The "urban" data Steve refers to is actually a different dataset.


The USGS Urban Area orthophotography is a data set that started out very
homogeneous and consistent, and is rapidly developing into quite an
assortment of data in various resolutions, color formats, and
projections.  The original image tiles themselves are either in UTM or
various State Plane coordinate systems, so they are not rectangles in
lat/lon space.  I've developed a set of index shapefiles for this data
for just the purpose you describe - we serve this data set on TopoZone
and use the shapefiles to indicate through the UI whether there's
high-resolution imagery at any given location.  But these are indexes
for our versions of these data sets, not the data (we
don't use their WMS service, but host and serve the imagery ourselves).
They wouldn't be useful since they don't accurately describe the data
you're viewing.


I think you'll have to see what you can find from the USGS, since
they're the only ones who can accurately describe the current subset of
this data set that's available on at any given time.
Good luck!


-          Ed


Ed McNierney



From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
Behalf Of Thomas Chesky
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 8:18 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] USGS Urban coverage shapefile




Does anybody know how to get the boundary of USGS Urban ortho coverage
in shapefile (or WKT etc.) format. I could only found the coverage index
in raster format on the USGS site ( I'd like to be
able to tell having a lat/lon coordinates whether it falls into one of
the Urban coverage areas. The USGS WMS server provides boudary rectangle
only (in GetCapabilities), which obviously will not solve my problem as
the coverages are not rectangles.


There must be something like this otherwise how could USGS create the
raster coverage index.


Any help is greatly appreciated. 




ps I emailed USGS as well but not yet received any reply


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