Problem with POINT layer in PostGIS

Astrid Emde astrid.emde at CCGIS.DE
Fri Feb 4 01:59:23 PST 2005

Dirk Jesko wrote:
> Hallo,
> I moved some points from a shape file to a PostgreSQL table (see the
> script below). Unfortunately the points are not displayed if queried
> from the database, but they are, if taken from the shape file. Even if I
> export the table back to a new shape the points are displayed correctly.
> I also executed the query generated by Mapserver in a PostgreSQL shell
> and do get the expected result. So I assume, that either my mapfile
> contains an error that I do not see or there might be a bug in the
> mapserver. By the way, all other layers (which are of type polygon and
> line) with data from the same database display perfectly.
> Some information about the System:
> Mapserver: Version 4.4.1 (Windows XP)
> Database: PG 8.0.0 / PostGIS 1.0.0RC2
> Layerdefinition:
>    NAME           "lu_pointtest"
>    DATA  "mypoints"    # This works
> #    CONNECTIONTYPE postgis   # This does not work
> #    CONNECTION     "user=... password=... dbname=... host=... port=..."
> #    DATA           "the_geom from mypoints using SRID=31468"
>    STATUS         OFF
>    TYPE           POINT
>      "init=epsg:31468"
>    END
>    CLASS
>      NAME     "Test"
>      STYLE
>        SYMBOL 'circle'
>        COLOR 255 0 0
>        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>        SIZE 20
>      END
>    END
>  END
> ------------------------------

Hi Dirk,

that's how I would write the Data-Parameter:
DATA "the_geom from mypoints"

or if I want to make a query or pick up a query

DATA "the_geom from (Select * from mypoints) as foo using unique oid
using SRID=31468"

Your epsg is GK4 43567.
That means for example coords like: 3456787 5612345.

I wonder, why your INSERT-Statements look like that:

INSERT INTO mypoints (gid, the_geom) VALUES (0,

And one more question: Is the a row in your geometry_columns-Table for
your table mypoints?

Hope that will help


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