postgres occupies more space than mysql???

Shashi Gireddy gireddy at GMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 4 12:08:59 EST 2005

Hi all,

I have my SF1 data on mysql database, i wnated to migrate to postgres
to get advantage of Postgis, I created a backup .sql file (whole data)
whose size is 8GB but its actual database size in mysql is 700MB (it
may be because insert into(bla,bla) values(bla, bla). but after i
migrated to postgres it occupied 7GB and it is damn slow(it took
42hours for postgres to insert and its still running may take about 3
more hours), can anybody suggest any idea how to reduce the size and
make it faster.

thanks alot in advance.

Shashi Kiran Reddy. Gireddy,
Graduate Assistant,
CBER, University of Alabama.
Home: 205-752-5137 Cell: 205-657-1438

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