My mapserver application does'nt work, why?

Carlos Eduardo Sibaja Salazar carloseduardo at COSTARRICENSE.CR
Mon Feb 7 08:48:18 PST 2005

I'm working in suse 9.1
I installed apache2, php5, php_mapscript4 and mapserver4.4.1.
apache: /usr/local/apache
php:    /usr/local/php

I need to know which is the simplest way to run my application. I have some .shp files and
a .map file. But i can't see my information displayed.

I installed gmap-ms40 and is working fine. Gmap uses php_mapscript to work. I can see the
example map. But gmap uses a .phtml and .php files to run the .map file, this files has a
lot of code inside and is difficult to edit and understand this files to use them with my

I want to do it in the simple way. I'm trying with a url like this:
I'm using the same directory where gmap is installed, but my application does'nt work.

Please, i need some ideas. Which is the simplest way to run my application ?

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