Python mapscript &

Ryan, Adam ARyan at CO.LINN.OR.US
Wed Feb 9 10:01:33 PST 2005

Two great tastes that taste great together.  But how to mix them in the same
bowl of scripts eludes me.

To utilize OGRGeometry methods on a mapscript.layerObj I need to instantiate
an OGRLayer using  OK, so I have dual classes; it's not that
big a deal.  But eventually I want to use the results of my OGR spatial
querying (within, crosses, etc.).  What I need is a way to replace my
layerObj's resultCacheObj() with my list of OGRFeatures WITHOUT doing a
(very slow) queryByIndex for each feature.

Any thoughts?  Scrap that idea and use postGIS?



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