Queries with mygis

Tony Frame jaframe at NET-YAN.COM
Fri Feb 11 00:11:32 PST 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "Attila Csipa" <plists at PROMETHEUS.ORG.YU>
Sent: Friday, 11 February, 2005 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Queries with mygis

> On Thursday 10 February 2005 17:34, Tony Frame wrote:
>> When switching to query mode and clicking on one of the locations (green
>> spot on the map) I cannot get any data back from the feature data base
>> table (or any other useful data). The location data is plotting ok and I
>> can filter on any attribute from the feature table.
> If I'm not mistaken, templates are not supported with mysql databases, but
> generally you wouldn't want to use them anyway since the current mapserver
> extension uses non-spatial datatypes, so spatial queries would be slow
> like
> hell.
The query & nquery modes appear to work to a certain extent ... if I click
anywhere but on the points I'm trying to query, an error :
 msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) found.
is returned.

When clicking on a single point the query form variables [nr],  [nl], [nlr],
[rn], [cl] all return values (ie 1 and current layer = instruments) as
expected. However [lrn] is returned as 0 and no query file is created/saved.

When clicking on a group of points, [nr], [nl], [nlr], [rn], [cl] return
values as expected but [lrn] is returned as 0 and no query file

Seems to be something(s) I'm not understanding about how queries work ...
since the point co-ordinates are successfully retrieved from the mysql
database and plotted I thought would be possible to at least have the query
return the point ids and co-ordinates from the layer? Any suggestions on how
I can this sort of information back from a query ?

Many thanks for the help.


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