
Blammo bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Fri Feb 11 03:18:08 EST 2005

Oh nevermind my first reply.  I need to read the whole message before I
reply.  :c)


Richard Jansen wrote:

>Hi MapServer fans,
>Just added myself to The List. Since one week i'm into the MapServer world.
>Now it's time to get some help of you.
>I want to zoom in every time i click my 'zoom in' button. Wat i do is the
>following (MapScript):
>$extent = $layer->getExtent();
>$map->setExtent($extent->minx+10000, $extent->miny+10000, $extent->maxx-
>10000, $extent->maxy-10000);
>I put the tmpmapfile name in a session so i can use it on and on to zoom in
>multiple times.
>The original extent is: 13537 306848 278002 619116 (my little country the
>Netherlands). Wat i want to get is: 23537 316848 268002 609116 as my new
>mapextent. But this is wat i get: -364.000000000004 316848 291903 609115
>The problem seems to bee de $map->save() because if no new extent is set,
>the new extent (the same as the orginal) contains wrong coords.
>Has anybody an idee to solv this? Thanks!!

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