PostGIS vs. Shapefile
Daniele Margotti
margottid at COMUNE.LUGO.RA.IT
Fri Feb 11 00:58:46 PST 2005
x_coord and y_coord are only coordinates of the centroid - manually
added to the shapefile for certain queries using PHPMapscript.
But when I query the map using the cgi-bin Mapserver, these fields are
not considered (and they are not even in the html templates).
Anyway, I just created an index for every field of a table (except for
"the_geom", already created with option "USING GIST"): now, querying
only the layer based on that table, I don't get a better performance,
since query remains from 10 to 15 time slower than shapefile-query.
I checked the mapfile to ensure that all references to field are in
lower-case (e.g., CLASSITEM or DATA), but nothing changed.
The strange thing is that the map (/cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=browse) is
drawn at the same speed as if I would use shapefiles.
-----Original Message-----
From: Miroslav Šulc [mailto:miroslav.sulc at]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:24 PM
To: Daniele Margotti
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PostGIS vs. Shapefile
I just guess but I would try to add these indexes (I guess there are
some coordinates that could be used for the query):
CREATE INDEX ra_strade_x_coord ON ra_strade (x_coord);
CREATE INDEX ra_strade_y_coord ON ra_strade (y_coord);
CREATE INDEX ra_strade_x_coord_y_coord ON ra_strade (x_coord, y_coord);
I would also add indexes on any field that you use as filter in your MAP
Running "VACUUM ANALYZE;" after this cannot hurt :-)
But as I wrote above, I just guess, I'm no pro :-)
Miroslav Šulc
Daniele Margotti wrote:
>This is the result of the command:
>$ pg_dump -d ra --schema-only -t ra_strade
>-- PostgreSQL database dump
>\connect - postgres
>SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
>-- TOC entry 2 (OID 254941)
>-- Name: ra_strade; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
>CREATE TABLE ra_strade (
> gid serial NOT NULL,
> fnode_ bigint,
> tnode_ bigint,
> length numeric,
> id_arco bigint,
> funzione integer,
> tipo integer,
> classe integer,
> numero character varying,
> liv_ini integer,
> liv_med integer,
> liv_fine integer,
> nomes character varying,
> nomed character varying,
> type_class character varying,
> x_coord double precision,
> y_coord double precision,
> the_geom geometry,
> CONSTRAINT "$1" CHECK ((srid(the_geom) = -1)),
> CONSTRAINT "$2" CHECK (((geometrytype(the_geom) =
>'MULTILINESTRING'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL)))
>-- TOC entry 3 (OID 289905)
>-- Name: ra_strade_geom_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner:
>CREATE INDEX ra_strade_geom_idx ON ra_strade USING gist (the_geom);
>-- TOC entry 4 (OID 288321)
>-- Name: ra_strade_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner:
> ADD CONSTRAINT ra_strade_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid);
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