legend icons and transparency alpha for pixmap

GIRAUD Pierre bluecarto at FREE.FR
Tue Feb 15 08:43:42 PST 2005


I'll try to be as clear and complete as possible.

Somes recent fixed bugs relative to the use of pixmaps and RGBA
outputformat modes. I have to use "TRANSPARENCY ALPHA" in each layer
using pixmap symbol.
The map is rendered correctly.
But as far as I'm generating on the fly legend icons with the
createLegendIcon mapscript function some errors with transparency appear
on IExplorer.
First if TRANSPARENT is set to ON in the OUTPUTFORMAT (or in the MAP),
some grey color appear in alpha place.
In fact, IE does not support 32bits PNG. The solution should be given by
the ".htc" method but it is high client computing cost (file transfert
for each new page load).

What could be an alternative for my case is to take advantage of the
IMAGECOLOR in the LEGEND object and set the TRANSPARENT to OFF in
OUTPUTFORMAT ("transparent" in legend object is now deprecated). I
thought it acts like a background color . I would like the pixmap symbol
to be sticked on this background-color.

But it seems that the TRANSPARENCY ALPHA has no effect on the legend icons.
Am I right ? Is there any alternative ?
Is a bug report needed ?


Ohceo - Camptocamp
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

Tel : 00 33 4 79 44 44 93
Mail : pierre.giraud at camptocamp.com

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