Request bounding box of WFS GetFeature

Berend Veldkamp berend.veldkamp at ARIS.NL
Wed Feb 16 04:58:35 PST 2005

Hi Bart,

Interesting thread, thanks.

I did some more testing, and it *looks like* the FeatureCollection >
boundedBy tag represents the bounding box, regardless of wether
MaxFeatures is set, although this isn't specifically mentioned in the
WFS specifications. Ofcourse this is not exactly what I want, but it
could reduce download size drastically in some cases, if MaxFeatures is
set to 1.
Can anyone confirm this behaviour?


bartvde at wrote:

> Hi Berend,
> using OGC interfaces there is currently no way to do this.
> There was also a thread on the wfs-dev list about this last year, the idea
> may end up in a new WFS specification. See:
> Best regards,
> Bart
>>When doing a GetFeature request, I get all features (or only some, if I
>>use a filter), including GML markup. This can sometimes lead to
>>extensive downloads.
>>Now there are times when I'm only interested in the bounding box of the
>>resulting features, for instance when I want to zoom to filtered features.
>>Is it possible to have only the bounding box returned and leave out the
>>Thanks, Berend


Berend Veldkamp - ARIS

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