compiling Gdal in Cygwin

Jacob Delfos jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM
Tue Feb 22 16:13:44 PST 2005


thanks for your quick reply. As you guessed, I don't have MS Visual C++. I'll try the "kitchen sink" builds again (last time I think it lagged the ecw support).
Looking forward to the new version of FWtools.



-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:fwarmerdam at] 
Sent: 23 February 2005 08:05
To: Jacob Delfos
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] compiling Gdal in Cygwin

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 07:56:40 +0800, Jacob Delfos
<jacob.delfos at> wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I know someone has probably asked this once, but... are there any
> instructions on how to compile Gdal using Cygwin? I once spent a day trying,
> but gave up when the errors got too exotic. The problems I ran into were
> mostly about it not detecting my platform. I modified the GDALmake.opt file,
> trying to hardcode it to win32 related settings, but in the end I gave up. 


In the past a baseline GDAL has generally built fairly successfully
on cygwin/gcc.  However, gcc has radically different C++ name
mangling than MS VisualC++ so it is essentialliy impossible to call
MS style C++ DLLs like the ECW and MrSID ones from a Cygwin
style build of GDAL. 
> Reason I'm trying this is that I'm desperate for a gdal dll that supports
> mrsid and ecw. I've got one that does either, but not both......
> Unfortunately, I haven't got any other platform for compiling. I'm not
> particularly experienced in compiling, but if I know it's possible in
> cygwin, I won't give up. 

I gather you don't have access to MS Visual C++?  I think they 
do have some sort of unoptimizing version of it available for free

Also, I think you will find that Howard Butlers "kitchen sink" 
binaries for win32 of mapserver include a GDAL built with
MrSID and ECW support though I am not sure ... and it is
possible that Howard's binaries lag the recent MrSID
Finally, I am hoping to include MrSID support as an add on
to the FWTools builds soon.  

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
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