Mapserver logs

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at XS4ALL.NL
Thu Feb 24 01:10:40 PST 2005


LOG only logs requests AFAIK, so something like Apache access log. Also, I
think you need to specify LOG "/var/www/mapserver.log" (mind the position
of the double quotes).

You should upgrade to Mapserver 4.4 since there is more debug logging. I
assume you have DEBUG ON on your MAP object and all your LAYER objects and
you have defined the SetEnv MS_ERRORFILE in your Apache httpd.conf? That's
about as much debug info as you can get out of it, but upgrading to 4.4
should give you more debug.

What kind of debug info are you looking for?

Best regards,

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 09:59:58 +0100, Benoît Toutain <bf.toutain at FREE.FR>

> Hi all,
> I try to get debug information from Mapserver but it does not work like
> I want.
> I use mapserver 4.2.0 and PHPMapscript. I have written in my map file
> the "LOG /var/www/mapserver.log"  instruction but nothing is appended to
> the corresponding file.
> The error log of apache works correctly but I find it not enough
> detailed.
> So my questions are :
> - Is there any solution to get detailed debug information from mapserver
> ?
> - How to get these information in the file I want ?
> Thanks by advance
> Benoît

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