IIS Config problem

Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Thu Feb 24 14:42:53 PST 2005

Hey V,

You're on the right track,  leave zlib with the other dll's.

Testing for the dll's by running mapserv.exe at a dos prompt has been
a standard thing to do that others have often suggested, it has saved
me more than once ... but obviously i wasn't missing zlib which
mapserver isn't using at that point. If none of the dll's had been in
the right place it would have made the error.

You are on to the next problem.

Check your .map file around line 381 and see if there are any
problems, or check the URL, or form submission that you are using to
view the website for an error that could relate to that part of the
map file.


On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 17:10:57 -0500, Ed McNierney <ed at topozone.com> wrote:
> Yes, that's what this forum is for.  But there are quite a few different
> versions of compiled MapServer code running around the Internet, so it's
> very helpful to specify exactly what file you downloaded and where you
> downloaded it from.  For example, there are no Windows binaries on the
> page you reference, but there's a link to a "Windows binaries" page with
> several different versions.  To help everyone else help you, please be
> specific about what version you downloaded and are using - thanks!
> Yes, if that's what's happening then you should focus on your demo
> setup.  Follow the instructions in the tutorial, and let us know (a)
> exactly what problem you have and (b) exactly what you did when that
> problem occurred.
>        - Ed
> Ed McNierney
> President and Chief Mapmaker
> TopoZone.com / Maps a la carte, Inc.
> 73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
> North Chelmsford, MA  01863
> ed at topozone.com
> (978) 251-4242
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
> Behalf Of V P
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 4:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] IIS Config problem
> Hi. Sorry, I'm extremely new to mapservers and GIS. I thought this forum
> was based on Minnesota's Mapserver problems. Anyhow, for clarity
> purposes, I dl'd a pre-compiled mapserver from MN's mapserver site
> (http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/dload.html). One of the files included in
> the download was mapserv.exe. Here they had also provided 2,
> 'workshop.zip'
> and
> 'tutorial.zip'(http://terrasip.gis.umn.edu/projects/tutorial/download.ht
> ml). ..
> As far as my problem goes with the tutorial.zip test, I had deleted the
> URL from the ? on and received the error...
> 'No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty.'
> ..as you mentioned. I remember receiving that error prior to installing
> the demos, which ensured that I did set the mapserver correctly. So
> would my problem be due to the demo set up?

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