classifying with an external datasource

Sandeep sandeep.bashyal at GMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 25 06:49:20 EST 2005

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 02:30:39 -0600, Richard Jansen <richardjansen at TMOP.NL>

> Hi List,
> I want to classify and color a poly shape. The values for classifying are
> stored in a SQL Server database. When I read the List I understand that
> this is not possible. I'm trying to join a template dbf file with the
> needed values. I also tried to add new field to the dbf, that's not
> simple.
> I'm using PHP/Mapscript. Is there a way to do this?
> Thanks for your comments,
> Richard Jansen


If you don't have a very large number of polygons to classify, here's a
snip from one of my earlier posts:

... you can generate classes and expressions dynamically with mapscript.
Here is the php mapscript code I use to classify districts into
"$no_classes" number of classes (using arcview-style quantile method)
using data from an external mysql database (the external database has a
field called DIST_ID that associates with the shapefile):

//run sql query
$sql = "SELECT DIST_ID, DIST_NAME, ".$databasefield." FROM
$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection);

// assign sql results into arrays
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
} //end while

//sort the query results
if (${$databasefield}){array_multisort(${$databasefield}, SORT_ASC,

//count the number of records in the array
if ($no_classes > $no_records){$no_classes = $no_records;}
if ($no_classes > 0){
        //number of class items
        $no_classitems = ceil($no_records / $no_classes);
        //split the arrays into chunks
} // end if $no_classes > 0

//set classitem

//draw classes
while ($i < $no_classes){
        //class expressions
        $class_array = $class_ID[$i-1];
        if ($class_array){
                //legend key labels
+ $no_classitems -1];
                if ($class_legend_key2 == NULL){$class_legend_key2 =
                $class_legend_key[$i]=$class_legend_key1." to ".$class_legend_key2;
                //draw layers
                $class[$i] = ms_newClassObj($layer_districts);
                $class_style[$i] = ms_newStyleObj ($class[$i]);
        } // end if $class_array
}//end while

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