Color distortion still
Frank Warmerdam
fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 3 06:07:43 PST 2005
On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 09:01:44 -0500, Abe Gillespie <agillesp at> wrote:
> I'm using the latest version but am still getting color changing
> problems. Now, however, it only happens when I have a layer with
> transparency. You can see the problems here:
> layer w/o transparency:
> layer w/ transparency:
> The layer with the transparency I change is the one that goes from a
> pinkish color to grey.
I have reviewed the gdImageCopyMerge() used by mapserver
to apply transparent layers to the master copy, and the problem
seems to be there. It appears it deliberately uses only a greyscale
value from the layer being overlaid on the master, presumably to
moderate the number of colors used.
Generally speaking I would advise against using transparent
layers in 8bit mode anyways due to the difficult to predict number
of colors that will be needed.
The gdImageCopyMerge() function is a part of the GD library and
so not under out (the mapserver developers) direct control.
However, if you want to file a bug on the problem we could try
and incorporate a special case in our higher level logic to handle
transparency with 8bit (pseudocolored) images. If you file a bug on
this issue please include this email so we don't have to re-discover
what is going on.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
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