How to recieve status of previously set symbol?

Andrzej Swiader ProGea andrzej.swiader at PROGEA.PL
Fri Jan 7 07:35:07 PST 2005


I'm a begginer MapServer and PHP Mapscript user. I have following problem: I
need to have two fills for one layer. They will be changed by checkboxes.
I'am almost succesfull, but I have a problem with reporting status of
previously set symbol.

Below is an example how I am changing symbols:
           $poLayer = $gpoMap->getLayerByName(OWT);
           $myClass = $poLayer->getClass(0);
           $myStyle = $myClass->getStyle(0);
           $myStyle->set("symbol", 10);

Now I need to check the value of "symbol" (in this example I suppose to
recieve "10"). Does anybody know how to do it?

Andrew Swiader

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