Problems with PHP as Module and as cgi with PROJ
Flavio Hendry
flavio at TYDAC.CH
Tue Jan 11 08:21:24 PST 2005
hi all
as follows:
- windows 2003
- apache 2.0.52
- php 4.3.8
- ms 4.4 (php_mapscript_44.dll)
- dual processor
1. running php as a module:
- everything seems to be running fine. as soon as multiple users access
the application, weard things start to happen: when zooming, all at
once the wrong map is delivered (other map as selected or other extent)
or the application hangs completely, no error in log or whatsoever ...
- apache often crashes with the following message:
[notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221226324 --
2. as we suppose that there is a problem running php as a module, we
try to run it as cgi
With the result that the map files are not read at all with the
following message (exactly the same map files as with php a module
where they run fine, projections are installed in the default
dir "c:\proj"):
[MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): No such file or directory
projection used is epsg:9814 or world:CH1903 (both the same):
# CH 1903 / Swiss Oblique Cylindrical
<9814> +proj=somerc +lat_0=46d57'08.66"N +lon_0=7d26'22.50"E
+ellps=bessel +x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +towgs84=674.374,15.056,405.346
+units=m +k_0=1 +no_defs <>
someone has an idea ?
Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
Flavio Hendry
############ Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
############ mailto:flavio at
############ TYDAC AG -
#### #### Geographic Information Solutions
#### #### Luternauweg 12 -- CH-3006 Bern
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