Labelling cities and lakes with Tiger data (EntityNames

Colin McGuigan cmcguigan at EARTHCOMBER.COM
Tue Jan 11 15:24:37 PST 2005

I've got Mapserver serving up some tiger data, and everything's working
well, except for one point that's bothering me: cities and lakes aren't

I've loaded all the Tiger data into PostGIS.  There's an EntityNames
table that holds the names I'm looking for, but there seems to be
absolutely no way to join it to anything else.  The only field with any
uniqueness (aside from name, of course) is fips -- but no other table
seems to hold corresponding values.  I can only assume somewhere there
is a point or polygon that defines, eg, "Lake Michigan", but I can't
seem to find it to save my life.

Anyone run into this before?

--Colin McGuigan

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