How to add temporary poligons on map and process them?

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at CCGIS.DE
Fri Jan 14 09:59:26 PST 2005

Janeks Kamerovskis wrote:
> Hi, List!
> My I idea on subject is:
> 1) Temp obj on map:
>         a) draw using client side (f.ex. DIV objects using javascript),
>         b) draw using phpMapScript (I like this option better, but is it possible?)
> 2) Process in DB:
>         I am planing to do it by using phpMapScript and WKT formats to input them
> in SQL DB.
> Note: Polygon points mainly will be acuired trought processing "textual"
> info from
> input fields. Just is some cases there could be digitizing on screen.
> Any ideas of the best way for point 1)?
> brgds
> Janeks

do you plan to use existing software or do you want to implement your
own stuff?

You find a version that displays a geometry with JavaScript and saves it
as WKT in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database in Mapbender in the cvs:
(mod_saveWKT.php) it never left beta

The newest development obtains the geometry from OGC WFS servers, it can
read and query any WSF. We are currently extending it to also handle
transactional requests and store geometries with GeoServer WFS-T.

You can see the WFS version at work here with a UMN MapServer as both
WFS and WMS:
(it still doesn't zoom correctly with MS IE though :-)

Without iframe:

Best, Arnulf.

Arnulf B. Christl

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