Maps, coordinates

Jose Luis Gonzalez joseluismapserver at YAHOO.ES
Wed Jan 19 04:09:28 EST 2005

I am quite new using mapserver, and I want to do an application, but I do not know how to start.
I am using Mapserver 4.4 over linux, java servlets.
By the moment what I want to do is to show a map on a webpage.
Once it is drawn, I will have some UTM coordinates that I have to draw on the map as some ponits.
So, I would like someone to guide me on what I need to do this, I mean:
1) What type of map format do I need: raster, shapefile?
2) Where can I pick the map I need (find the shapefile)?
3) Do I have to manage the .map file?
4) In what way?I mean, how do I know the extension or other parameters for example?
5) How do I know which are the coordinates of the corners of my map, so I can know were to draw the points I need?Or isn't it necesary?If so how can I do it?

I know there are many questions. At least if someone could tell me what and where to look for it; or even better tell me some replys to my questions.

Thank you

Jose Luis


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