timeout with new Mapserv 441

Fernando S. fsimon at UNIVALI.BR
Wed Jan 19 11:12:12 EST 2005

Hi Merlijn,
For oracle connection how did you define your layer? Did you defined any
WMS/WFS parameters for this layer? If yes can be a problem with
getextent function for oracle spatial driver. (You can see in bugs #1136
and #1111).

Fernando Simon
Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil
http://g10.cttmar.univali.br - UNIVALI/CTTMAR

Merlijn Simonse wrote:

>Hi all,
>I updated my mapserv 4.0 executable with the Windows binary form the
>mapserver page (version 441] without changing my client. I updated with
>the purpose of making a connection to Oracle without using OGR to achieve
>a better performance. This goal I achieved, but the problem is that about
>every 5 to 10 times I request a map, the map isn’t created within the
>timeout of 3(!) minutes. In the Windows system event-log I get a very
>strange error:
>The script started from the URL '/scripts/ms441oci/mapserv.exe' with
>parameters 'appurl=appurl=appurl=appurl=appurl=appurl=appurl=appurl=appurl=
>. . . 16 pages of this . .
>2Fflorafoort at fenfontw&map_extent=149000.0+457000.0+162000.0+470000.0' has
>not responded within the configured timeout period.  The HTTP server is
>terminating the script.
>For additional information specific to this message please visit the
>Microsoft Online Support site located at:
>Every parameter I send to mapserv seemed to be copied about a 100 times
>(?). Has anybody seen this error before? The parameters I send are not
>different to ones I send when I do get a Map returned.
>Thanks for any help.

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