troubles on some Oracle field names

Fernando S. fsimon at UNIVALI.BR
Thu Jan 20 09:17:03 PST 2005

Hi Francesco,
    It's a strange problem. The problem can be in
msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape function or in msOracleSpatialLayerGetItems
function, where I created the "layer->items".
    I don't know but I believe that core of problem is with
"layer->items". I will check this problem and other little things for
the next commit.

Fernando Simon
Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR

Francesco Sozzi wrote:

>Hi Fernando,
>I've got sothing strange in writing sql statements into layer definition.
>If I specifiy a field with words "anno_..." or  "funzione_...", when I
>attempt to run GetShape() I get an error into browser.
>So, I prepared a simple example where I use these words into field synonyms
>(but it is the same when these terms have been found into real field names).
>Here you are a data definition where I use "anno_costruzione" as synonym of
>fid: it gives error.
>DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT fid, geom, stato, numero, fid anno_costruzione FROM
>ic_kuba_manufatti) USING UNIQUE FID"
>Here you are a data definition where I use "anno2_costruzione" as synonym of
>fid: it works fine.
>DATA "GEOM FROM (SELECT fid, geom, stato, numero, fid anno2_costruzione FROM
>ic_kuba_manufatti) USING UNIQUE FID"
>Here you are code:
>   $layer->open();
>echo "1<br>";
>   $result = $layer->getResult(0);
>echo "2<br>";
>   $shape = $layer->getShape($result->tileindex,$result->shapeindex);
>echo "3<br>";
>   $keyValue=$shape->values[$metadataLayerKey];
>echo "4<br>";
>   $layer->close();
>Here you are whate I get when I use "anno_costruzione".
>Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape(): Error:
>ORA-00911: carattere non valido . Query statement: SELECT FID, STATO,
>NUMERO, ANNO_COSTRUZIONE , GEOM FROM (SELECT fid, geom, stato, numero, fid
>anno_costruzione FROM ic_kuba_manufatti) WHERE FID = 1512 .Check your data
>statement. in C:\App\QueryMapWEB\runtime\qm\scripts\ on line
>Please note that the characters " " does not stays into my mapfile.
>If I use "anno2_costruzione" it works fine.
>The same if I use some terms more (es: "funzione_...")
>Best regards

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