mapimages have different hue (off-colour)
Jacob Delfos
jacob.delfos at MAUNSELL.COM
Mon Jan 24 21:24:23 PST 2005
I took your advise and re-installed every single DLL that is associated with mapserver (including all php extensions), and that seems to have done the trick. All my sites look normal again, as opposed to nauseatingly greenish. I am curious which dll was to blame, though. There must be one of the DLL's that are used to encode the jpg compression that is also used by another program, and got overwritten.
Thanks for your help.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at]
Sent: 25 January 2005 13:00
To: Jacob Delfos
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapimages have different hue (off-colour)
Mapserver does not interact with any graphic board drivers. I does use
dll's for the graphics libraries and it is possible that these might
have been changed if you did a windows update or some such thing that
replaced the graphics libraries.
If this is happening solely on this system, then I would suggest that
you should re-install mapserver and its associated libraries. It is
possible that a library got damaged or replaced. I would also check that
you really are using the same mapfile on both systems, etc.
Beyond that, I'm not sure what else I would suggest.
Jacob Delfos wrote:
> By the way, I'm using php_mapscript42.dll in chameleon 1.0.4. But I have
> run this config for a year, and I never had this problem. I'm
> running gdal 1.2.5.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Jacob Delfos
> Sent: 25 January 2005 10:28
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapimages have different hue (off-colour)
> Steve,
> I don't think this is related, because I'm not working in indexed colour.
> I did realise one thing I changed recently; I updated my graphics card
> drivers. I know that that SHOULD not have any effect on the physical
> image being generated, but.... it would explain why I saw this problem
> before with two machines where the only difference was that they had
> different hardware.
> Is there any connection between graphic card drivers and mapserver? As
> far as I know, the drivers shouldn't have anything to do with that. Just
> that I can't think of anything else.
> Tried viewing the mapimage in photoshop, but no difference. It seems
> like it uses a whole different library to compress to jpg. If I generate
> the same image from our production server, it creates a proper image.
> The good image is smaller in filesize than the bad image, but looks
> proper, and has a higher count of individual colours.
> Jacob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at]
> Sent: 24 January 2005 22:47
> To: Jacob Delfos
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapimages have different hue (off-colour)
> What version of mapserver are you running?
> Have you looked at this bug?
> Have you tried viewing it on another system, or viewed it in another
> program like photoshop?
> -Steve W.
> Jacob Delfos wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Got an interesting problem, which I hope someone recognises; My mapimage
> > has changed hue in the last weeks. I am not sure what I changed to cause
> > this. Perhaps an external program changed something about how my
> > computer creates images. However, even if I restore the gdal12.dll file
> > that I used previously (or any other of the many versions I have), my
> > image is still off-colour. It is greenish/yellowish compared to the
> > normal colour. It is still 24bit jpeg, though. But the mapimages from
> > all php_mapscript based sites that I run from this machine have suddenly
> > got this greenish tint.
> >
> > I suspect it may be something about the overal system, because I once
> > noticed how different machines (a win2k desktop, and an XP laptop)
> > generated slightly differently coloured mapimages (different hue,
> > different saturation), even though both machines were installed with the
> > exact same mapserver files. I tried running the site using a browser on
> > the host and on a different machine, but both images look greenish.
> >
> > Does anyone know what could affect the hue of the mapimage? Something
> > global?
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > Jacob
> >
> >
> > Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd
> > 629 Newcastle Street, WA 6007
> > PO Box 81, WA 6902
> > Leederville
> > Western Australia
> > ABN 20 093 846 925
> >
> > Tel + 61 8 9281 6185
> > Fax + 61 8 9281 6297
> > jacob.delfos at <mailto:jacob.delfos at>
> <mailto:jacob.delfos at>
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