Win32 Binaries on mapserver site do not seem to be compiled correctly

Pericles S. Nacionales nacional at CBS.UMN.EDU
Wed Jan 26 14:54:55 PST 2005

I thought I replied to a previous post on this but I guess I just replied to
the poster.  Anyway, there's nothing wrong with the small size of the
executables.  They are small because they were compiled against a dynamic
libmap.dll library--the library isn't part of the executable but rather
external to it.  You can think of mapserv.exe as a wrapper to the external
libmap.dll file.  When you execute mapserv.exe, it will look for libmap.dll
and the other DLL files it needs.

Why do this?  No other reason than to make the downloadable archives smaller
and faster to download.

Again, there's nothing wrong with the small size of the executable.


On Wednesday 26 January 2005 10:06 am, Rob Corbin wrote:
> All of the .exe files are very small. i.e. mapserv.exe is 36K.

Pericles S. Nacionales

Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
University of Minnesota
work: 612 624 6713
e-mail: nacional at

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