Postgis Polygon

Vladimir Guzmán bigfoot at MAIN-TASK.COM
Fri Jan 28 19:02:11 EST 2005

Hello, list.

I'm trying to draw a polygon layer with postgis in mapserver, but the
map is empty.
Here is the DATA section:
DATA "the_geom from (select GeomFromText('POLYGON((-74.14840698
4.56912851,-74.03168487 4.75130367, -74.14840698 4.75130367,
-74.14840698 4.56912851))',1) as the_geom,1 as oid) as data using unique
oid using srid=1"
If I change it to:
DATA "the_geom from (select GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((-74.14840698
4.56912851,-74.03168487 4.75130367, -74.14840698 4.75130367,
-74.14840698 4.56912851)))',1) as the_geom,1 as oid) as data using
unique oid using srid=1"
the map is displayed correctly.

Anyone knows why is this?
The problem is that when I import a map with ogr2ogr, the geometries are
inserted as POLYGON instead of MULTIPOLYGON.

Thanks a lot,

Vladimir Ilich Guzmán R.

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