Getting MapServer working (PHP MapScript)

Abe Gillespie abe.gillespie at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 1 13:40:41 EDT 2005

I never see "didn't die."  :(  Also, I've tried turning on every
option for logging that I can think of and am getting nothing.  I've
turned on everything in Apache and thumbed through php.ini and turned
on everything I could find there.  Nothing.

On 5/31/05, Camden Daily <cdaily at> wrote:
> This code is an example of how to use the builtin mapserver error
> messages.  If the script actually DIES on the ms_newMapObj and doesn't
> run anything after that, then you need to look into PHP error
> messages.
> <?
> ms_ResetErrorList();
> dl("");
> $map = ms_newMapObj("");
> echo "didn't die";
> $img = $map->draw();
> $error = ms_GetErrorObj();
> while($error AND $error->code != MS_NOERR) {
>   printf("Error in %s: %s<br>\n", $error->routine, $error->message);
>   $error = $error->next();
> }
> ?>

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