How to Use MR.SID raster files in mapserver 4.4.2 ?

Robert oude Lohuis OudelohuisR at VERTIS.NL
Thu Jun 2 08:32:20 EDT 2005


We have compiled version 4.4.2 of mapserver (and the necessary libraries)
from the sources on a unix box.
It is now configured and working. There is however one problem. 
We have a couple of Mr. SID files and want to use these as a layer.
We downloaded the libraries from lizardtech and recompiled GDAL with support
for Mr.SID

We did tiled the Mr. SID files and configured a layer. There are no error
messages, but I see no data in the map.
We tried to look at an individual Mr. SID file, but then we got the
following error :

MrSIDRasterBand::IRasterIO(): Failed to load image. scene
magnifGDALRasterIO() failed: drawGDAL(): Unable to access file.
GDALRasterIO() failed: drawGDAL() 

A recompile of mapserver had no effect.

The first question is: Is it possible to look at Mr.SID rasters through
mapserver ?
And the second question is, if so,  what's the trick ?

Does anyone have knowledge on this subject and willing to share his/her
information ?

Thanks in advance,

Robert oude Lohuis
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