joining shp and dbase files

Alberto Gomez agomez at CCCMM.CESGA.ES
Thu Jun 2 09:14:45 EDT 2005

Hi all,

  I'm here again. I was working in localhost and it was right, but when i
tried access from internet i got this error:

msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. ExecuteSQL(SELECT fshape.*,fdbf.* FROM POLIGONOS
fdbf.POLIGONO) failed. Unable to open secondary datasource
`z:/GIS/ESZBAT.DBF' required by JOIN.

    I have tried with "//server/gis..." but it no works. It seems to be a
privileges problem as Emil advised me and I've tried to change in IIS the
IUSR_SERVER to access anonymously by a user who belongs to my domain, even
with admin privileges, but with any result. What about folder permissions?

    Any ideas?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Emil Zegers" <taatuut at PLANET.NL>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] joining shp and dbase files

> Hello Alberto,
> You could try switching to absolute path names.
> If your dbf is located at C:/inetpub/wwwroot/project/data/myfile.dbf
> Then instead of:
> "/inetpub/wwwroot/project/data/myfile.dbf"
> in the DATA parameter use:
> "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/project/data/myfile.dbf"
> Similair if the file is located at Z:/geodata/dbase/myfile.dbf
> in the DATA parameter use:
> "Z:/geodata/dbase/myfile.dbf"
> UNC paths also works so if your Z: disk is a mapping to a machine called
> alberto then use
> "\\alberto\geodata\dbase\myfile.dbf"
> Make sure the Windows user has appropriate rights to access the disk or
> share and don't forget that Windows IIS uses the IUSR on default.
> The IUSR account is a local machine account so it can only access local
> files and not mapped drives or other servers.
> So if you want to access data on other servers you need to switch to use a
> domain user in IIS (best is to create a new user or group for this
> Accessing other drives/servers may work if you use integrated security in
> addition to anonymous access on IIS but this is only so if your (domain)
> accoutn has sufficient rights. Everybody from outside (not a domain user)
> will not be able to access that data. This can be confusing when testing
> your setup.
> Regards,
> Emil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
> Behalf Of Alberto Gomez
> Sent: donderdag 26 mei 2005 13:31
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] joining shp and dbase files
>  Hi Emil,
>    Thank you for your quick response. It works great!!... but in local.
>  working in windows and my dbf file is located in a network volume (Z:). I
>  set DATA parameter with a full path like this:
>  "/inetpub/wwwroot/project/data/myfile.dbf" and i need to change from "C:"
> to
>  "Z:".
>    Could you helpme with that?
>    Tanks in advance,
>     Alberto
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