Regular expression in Mapfile

Christopher R. Thorne christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA
Fri Jun 3 12:25:07 EDT 2005

And the winner is... Thanks for the responses, you can pick up your 
prize at any beer store. ;)


Bill Binko wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Jun 2005, Christopher R. Thorne wrote:
>>I am working on classifying land us polygon layers and I wish to us 
>>regular expressions. I have searched the archive and it came up short 
>>for what I am looking for. The mapfile reference also was a little 
>>skimpy. ;)
>>I would like to define an expression the finds values (4100, 4200, 4300 
>>4400 4500) and place these features in a single class. What would be the 
>>best (least expensive) expression?
>   EXPRESSION /4[1-5]00/
>>For example,
>>   EXPRESSION /[4000-4501]/
>>(I am not even sure if I have defined this correctly.)
>>Also, does anyone have a good reference to regex?

Christopher R. Thorne, GIS Specialist
3406 Southgate Rd. Ottawa ON K1V 9P9
christhorne at

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