line legend elements

Peter Freimuth (MapMedia GmbH) pf at MAPMEDIA.DE
Tue Jun 7 10:30:48 EDT 2005

andy schrieb:

>Dear all,
>I would like to have line legend elements as straight line (not zig-zag). Is
>it possible?
>Moreover  is it possible to choose a particular image and associate it to an
>element of a dinamic legend?
>If yes, how?
>Thank you very much,
Hey Andrea,
you can choose your own legend icon with the KEYIMAGE Parameter in the 
CLASS Section of your MAPFILE.
   NAME 'huhu'
   KEYIMAGE 'path/keyimage.png'
With Mapserver 4.4 this works in with static and also html-legends.

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Peter Freimuth

MapMedia GmbH
Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme

Heilbronner Straße 10
D-10711 Berlin Charlottenburg

fon:  +49.(0)30.89 06 82 70
fax:  +49.(0)30.89 06 82 73
mail: pf at
pgp:  on demand

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