projection conversion equations

Dylan Beaudette dylan at IICI.NO-IP.ORG
Tue Jun 7 12:20:38 EDT 2005

On Jun 7, 2005, at 12:11 AM, Martin Weinelt wrote:

> On Tuesday 07 June 2005 08:09, Dylan Beaudette wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to re-implement some functionality in the DHTML mapserver
>> interface for converting between Lat/Lon to an Albers Equal Area
>> Projection.
>> Currently, I have the proj library doing this for single coordinate
>> pairs, but I would like to integrate this functionality in the form of
>> a JS routine for on-the-fly conversion: much like the existing UTM
>> <->lat/lon conversion.
>> Does anyone have any ideas on where to get started?
>> thanks in advance!
> Dylan,
> start with " Snyder, J.P, 1987: Map Projections - A Working Manual".
> There you find the formulas for the projections and you can translate
> this to JS and boil it down. I did two for a project lately which I 
> attach
> to give you an idea: Mercator invers and Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
> invers:
> function refSys(radius) {  // some useful constants
>   var t=this;
>   t.R=radius;
>   t.halfpi=Math.PI/2;
>   t.R2=t.R*2;
>   t.d2r= Math.PI/180;
> }
> var sphere=new refSys(6371000);
> function invMerc(xn,yn) {
>   var eyr,phi,lam;
>   eyr = Math.pow(Math.E, (yn * -1)/sphere.R);
>   phi = (sphere.halfpi - (2*Math.atan(eyr)))/sphere.d2r;
>   lam = (xn/sphere.R)/sphere.d2r;
>   return [phi,lam];
> }
> function invLaea(xn,yn,asp)  {  // sphere, polar aspect, lon0=0
>   var p,c,phi,lam,adj;
>   if (asp=='N') yn*=-1;
>   p = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xn,2) + Math.pow(yn,2));
>   if (p==0) return([90,0]);
>   c = 2* Math.asin(p/sphere.R2);
>   phi = Math.asin(Math.cos(c)) / sphere.d2r;
>   (yn<=0&&xn>0)?adj=180:adj=0;  // ad-hoc quadrant adjustment
>   (yn<=0&&xn<0)?adj=-180:adj=adj;
>   var lam = Math.atan(xn/yn) / sphere.d2r + adj;
>   return [phi,lam];
> }
> Cheers, Martin


thank you very much for the literature reference, this is exactly what 
i was looking for. I have located the book in my school's library, and 
will pour over it this week.

thanks again for the example code as well!

Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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