Queryfile and Savequery CGI Help

David dls at INFORMGIS.COM
Wed Jun 8 14:14:13 EDT 2005

Hi All,

I'm trying to use CGI mapserver and have run into some confusion about the
queryfile and savequery parameters.  The cgi reference manual says that
you can use the queryfile parameter within a Browse mode to have your
selection stay highlighted while you zoom/pan after performing the initial

"QUERYFILE [filename]Used with BROWSE or NQUERY mode. This option
identifies a query file to load before any regular processing. In BROWSE
mode this result in a query map being produced instead of a regular map.
This is useful when you want to hilite a feature while still in a pan/zoom
mode. In NQUERY mode you'd gain access to any of the templates used in
normally presenting the query, so you have access to query maps AND
attribute information"

I'm trying to duplicate this functionality but it seems to perform the
query again and displays the query template file instead of performing the
zoom/pan.  Has anyone had success using these cgi parameters?  Are there
any examples out there of this functionalty working properly?  Any help
would be great!

here's the mapserver call when trying to perform a zoomin after creating a


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