Strategy for Debugging?

Emil Zegers taatuut at PLANET.NL
Fri Jun 10 04:24:45 EDT 2005

Hello Richard,

Looking through the maillist archives I found my suggestion is wrong.

According to other messages the error message usually means the problem
occured on the prior line so check line 398.

What does that line say?

Maybe the problem is browser dependent because some needed parameters are
not submitted by this specific browser? (wild guess)



-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
Behalf Of Richard A. Milewski
Sent: vrijdag 10 juni 2005 9:24
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Strategy for Debugging?


Thank you for the suggestion.  Alas... line 399 is the last line of the
mapfile and reads:   END # End of mapfile.

I also do not understand why the problem is browser dependant.

-- Richard

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