[MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): no options found in 'init' file in

Robert Campbell rrc124 at GMAIL.COM
Sat Jun 11 15:35:05 EDT 2005

I'm scared - I have a project due in two days that requires Chameleon,
but I can't get it running. Here is the error I get:

Warning: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): no options found in
'init' file in /home/rrc124/public_html/chameleon/htdocs/common/wrapper/map_session.php
on line 215

Warning: Failed to open map file
/home/rrc124/public_html/chameleon/samples/map/chameleon.map in
on line 215

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
on line 197

I have MapServer installed on Linux and it's displaying my map okay. I
installed Chameleon and set it up according to the directions but get
the above error when trying to run a sample. I have tried to find
answers online, but didn't really get anywhere. What makes it even
worse is that I suck at the whole Linux thing.. so baby steps please
:-)  Thank you all SOO much for your help!

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