Preventing multiple labels on road segments?

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Sun Jun 12 00:00:47 EDT 2005

Alex Smith wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I'm that there is a way to quickly and easily prevent multiple road 
> labels from being drawn, as shown in the attached .png file?  Because 
> the intersection of roads results in individual features between each 
> intersection, labels can be drawn on each individual feature, resulting 
> in, for example, 6 lables for a road for each road segment of a road 
> that is six blocks long.  Is there a way to 'weed out' these multiple 
> labels?
> Thanks!

Yes, read the mapfile reference. MINDISTANCE 200 force the labels to be 
at least 200 pixels apart. Adjust the value for the size of your map image.

-Steve W.

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