problem with from mapserver-php-4.6.0beta3-mh1.i686.rpm

Paul Scott pscott at UWC.AC.ZA
Mon Jun 13 02:27:05 EDT 2005

On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 21:03 -0700, Guillermo
> PHP Warning:  Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library
> '/usr/lib/php4/' - /usr/lib/php4/
> undefined symbol: php_gd_gdImageCopy in Unknown on line 0
> However, I have installed in my system the php_gd libray:
> php-gd-4.3.11-2.5.

In the script calling the mapscript binary, you need t dynamically load
the mapscript api. try this at the top of your script:


Also check that the mapscript binary is in your path, /usr/lib/php4/


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