EPSG code for...

Christopher R. Thorne christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA
Tue Jun 14 11:42:41 PDT 2005

thanks for the information. unfortunately it did not work out. I managed 
to overlay the data sets on top of each other using NAD83 with WGS84 and 
  projected to 4326, there is still a southeast shift by a few hundred 
meters. When using NAD27 it was no good.

I have basically given up, until I find a better GIS tools to figure out 
what is going on.

Thanks again,

Dean Mikkelsen wrote:
> Sorry, a bad typo. MTM applies to Canada, not the US.
> Cheers,
> Dean
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dean Mikkelsen <dcmikkelsen at SHAW.CA>
> Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:10 am
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] EPSG code for...
>>Hi again,
>>MTM is defined for Canada. They are 3 degree Modified Transverse 
>>Mercator projections. They will not apply to Canada.
>>For a reference see the following web-sites:
>>Both were referred to via:
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Christopher R. Thorne" <christhorne at SYMPATICO.CA>
>>Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:36 am
>>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] EPSG code for...
>>>Hello me again,
>>>I finally tracked down the metadata for the data that was given 
>>>with the strange projection. Well it gets stranger. Here is what 
>>>found. I have two shape files of the Los Angeles county
>>>1st shape file :
>>>Units: Meters
>>>Ellipsoid:Clark 1866
>>>Projection: UTM, Zone 11
>>> * Possible EPSG codes found:
>>># NAD27(76) / MTM zone 11
>>><2020> +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-82.5 +k=0.999900 +x_0=304800 
>>>+ellps=clrk66 +units=m +no_defs  no_defs <>
>>># NAD27 / UTM zone 11N
>>><26711> +proj=utm +zone=11 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +units=m 
>>> no_defs <>
>>>2nd shape file:
>>>Units: Meters
>>>Ellipsoid:Clark 1866
>>>Projection: UTM, Zone 11
>>>  * Possible EPSG Codes found:
>>>  NONE FOUND.....
>>>This makes me think that NAD83 with a Clark 1866 Ellipsoid is 
>>>valid projection. Am I on the right trake of thinking or is 
>>>actually an EPSG code with:
>>><????> +proj=utm +zone=11 +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD83 +units=m 
>>>no_defs <>
>>>Christopher R. Thorne wrote:
>>>>Hello Dean,
>>>>Dean C. Mikkelsen wrote:
>>>>>Hi Chris,
>>>>>Take a look at the following web-page.
>>>>>I am leaning towards a problem now in defining which State Plane
>>>>>Co-ordinate System is being used. i.e. one of the ones we are 
>>>using is
>>>>>wrong - we may actually be north or south of the current one. 
>>>Now the
>>>>>trick is to determine which one. A note to other readers 
>>>epsg:4326 is
>>>>>Did you try reprojecting the NAD27 Layer with the NAD83 
>>>>Yes I did that and the layers switched positions.
>>>>>with epsg:4326? What happens?
>>>>with setting the projection to the lat/long layers, they are 
>>>>in outer space, not within the world extent.
>>>>Thanks for the good reference. The reason why I got into this 
>>>>was because I am four steps removed from the data provider. I 
>>>>managed to get the information that you already know and I was 
>>>>the information was correct. The other problem was that I was 
>>>not sure 
>>>>how to identify the issues, confidently. If not I will 
>>>definitely push 
>>>>for more information.
>>>>Cheers and thanks again,
>>>Christopher R. Thorne, GIS Specialist
>>>christhorne at sympatico.ca
>>>Tel:(613)523-6593, Ottawa ON Canada

Christopher R. Thorne, GIS Specialist
christhorne at sympatico.ca
Tel:(613)523-6593, Ottawa ON Canada

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