I need your idea

Simpson asimpson at I-55.COM
Tue Jun 14 18:10:41 EDT 2005

I think the rectangle is what Mapserver zooms to within your extent.

414562,4617510                       521317,4617510
0,0                                  400,0
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
|                                   |
0,406                                400,406
414562,4510820                       521317,4510820

So in the above example, to zoom to the full extent you'd need to set the
pixel extent rectangle to (0,406,400,0).
The satellite imagery may not fill the entire output image, since Mapserver
maintains aspect ratio.


-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
Behalf Of orkun
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:38 AM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] I need your idea


I need your idea
how can I show an satellite imagery in full extent when
you click in menu.

if you have time please look at :

"http://landslide.deprem.gov.tr/cgi/map4.php" and click in "satellite"
I just want it to fill whole map's window.

I used php-mapscript and here is the code fragment:

     /$uydulayer->set("status",1); # on


      $extent_to_set = explode(" ",$HTTP_POST_VARS["extent"]);

      $my_extent = ms_newrectObj();



      $zoom_rect = ms_newRectObj();

      $zoom_rect->setextent(200,203,200,203);   //satellite imagery
pixel extents


      $extent_to_html = $minx." ".$miny." "
                      .$maxx." ".$maxy;

/I will appreciate if you give a sense/

/Ahmet Temiz

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