Query Hilite in Same HTML Page

Chux Amobi camobi at DCA.NET
Wed Jun 15 12:07:26 EDT 2005

I've created a map by linking an <input type=image> to the output of cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=map... I'd like to select a feature and have it be highlighted in the map. When you do cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=query..., it seems that the template file gets returned to the client. Is it possible to do a query, not display the template file, and just use javascript to set the HTML page's image object to the query map that was created in IMAGEPATH/? Can you somehow access the [img] variable that's generated from mapserv, or can that just be accessed from a template file? A GIF is created in IMAGEPATH/ that shows the selected feature in its highlight color, so I think I just need to link it to the HTML page's image.

I'm working on Windows 2000 and using DBox.js and MapServ.js.

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