Dynamic point

Sebastian Albrecht albrecht at FIELAX.DE
Thu Jun 16 02:48:05 EDT 2005


> The graph is 600x600 pixel
> I want to add a single point in x=300 and y=300

Using the PointObj you will add a projectable point with geographic
coordinates to the map. In your case the setXY method will create a
point at 300°, 300° lonlat which means it will be outside your given

> $oMap->setExtent(110.366, -7.79127, 110.376, -7.78127);
> $pt->setXY(300,300);

You can try using $pt->setXY(110.371, -7.78627). The point will not be
fixed to the center of your graph but to the center of your extent.


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