Running different versions on Windows simultaneously

Bernd Deckert bernd.deckert at FREE.FR
Fri Jun 17 06:24:01 EDT 2005

Hey jacob,

First of all you do not nee to put your DLLs in windows System directory.
You can put them to the root of php directory where you can find php.exe.
So your hole system can work without setting the PATH variables.

Two differents ways to resolve your problem (testing different versions of mapscript ): 
You ca use different php directories (for exemple php4ms44 and php4ms46)
After that you use different php file extensions ( for exemple  .php4ms44 php4ms46)

In your configuration file of your webserver you need to associate the file extension name to the right php.exe

in apache configuration file httpd.conf :

ScriptAlias /php4ms44/ "c:/yourpathtophp/php4ms44/"
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4ms44 
   Action application/x-httpd-php "/php4ms44/php.exe"

ScriptAlias /php4ms46/ "c:/yourpathtophp/php4ms46/"
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4ms46 
   Action application/x-httpd-php "/php4ms46/php.exe"

An other way is to use seperate web servers on differents ports (80; 81; 82; for exemple http://localhost:90  http://yourdomain:97) on the same domain witch use differents php.exe
In this case you do not need different php file extension names.

Hope it helps, 
Bernd Deckert
01MAP - la carte vecteur d'information
35, allée d'Irlande
34080 Montpellier
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jacob Delfos 
  Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 10:52 AM
  Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Running different versions on Windows simultaneously

  Hi All,

  I am about to set up a new internal server for running mapserver-based sites, and I am trying to do it such that I can run different versions of php_mapscript (and mapserver).

  The problem I am running into is that certain versions of the dll are compiled against certain of its dependent dll's. For example, php_mapscript_46 works fine with the gdal12.dll that comes with it, but not with the dll I compiled for php_mapscript_44. And one gdal12.dll will only work with the ecw dll's it was compiled with.

  I have tried keeping them in separate directories. This nearly worked, but for some reason gdal12.dll MUST sit in the windows System directory (even if you set up your paths correctly). I cannot just sit with the php_mapscript dll. The same goes for some other dll's. Even if the dependency walker says that all is fine, the website will not run unless it sits in system32.

  Has anyone been able to implement this more successfully? Any tips? 



  Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd
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  Western Australia
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