DBox PHP Problems

Piero Cavalieri piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT
Mon Jun 20 06:13:51 EDT 2005

Is the form name set to main_map ?
Also I had problems with the DHTML library includes (don't know why) and I
solved using another path: src="javascript/x/x_core.js" ecc..


Rob McCulley wrote:

>I would like to use DBox with PHP-mpscript, but I'm having some problems
>figureing out how to implement it.  I currently have it set up like so:
>--- A bunch of PHP that sets up map size and layers ---
>          <!-- Step 1: dBox library include -->
>          <script language="JavaScript" src="javascript/dbox.js"></script>
>          <!-- Step 2: DHTML library includes -->
>          <script language="JavaScript"
>          <script language="JavaScript"
>          <script language="JavaScript"
>          <script language="JavaScript"
>          <script language="JavaScript"
>          <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
>          // Step 3: Create the dBox object (initialize a few things)
>          var main_map = new dBox("main_map", <?php echo $map_height; ?>,
><?php echo $map_width; ?>, "#FF0000", 2);
>          main_map.box = true;
>          function setbox_handler(name, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) {
>             document.map_app.imgbox.value = minx + " " + miny + " " + maxx
>+ " " + maxy;
>             document.map_app.imgxy.value = minx + " " + miny;
>             document.map_app.submit();
>          }
>          function seterror_handler(message) {
>             alert(message);
>          }
>          function reset_handler(name, minx, miny, maxx, maxy) { }
>          function startup() {
>             // Step 4: Initialize the dBox object
>             main_map.initialize();
>          }
>          </SCRIPT>
>--- A bunch of PHP that generates the map and legend ---
>          <!--Display the Map -->
>          <!-- this is the holding spot (the anchor) for the map -->
>          <DIV id="main_map_anchor" style="position:relative;
>visibility:visible; width:100%; height:100%; left:0px; top:0px;">
>        <IMG src="pixel.gif" height="<?php echo $map_height; ?>"
>width="<?php echo $map_width; ?>">
>          </DIV>
>          <!-- absolutely positioned layer to hold the map -->
>          <DIV id="main_map" style="position:absolute; visibility:visible;
>width:100%; height:100%; clip:rect(100%,100%,100%,100%);
>                  <IMG name="main_map" src="<?php echo $image_url; ?>"
>height="<?php echo $map_height; ?>" width="<?php echo $map_width; ?>">
>          </DIV>
>My zoom tools are setup like so:
>          <input type=radio name=zoomdir value=1
>onClick="main_map.boxon();">Zoom In<BR>
>          <input type=radio name=zoomdir value=0
>          <input type=radio name=zoomdir value=-1
>onClick="main_map.boxoff();">Zoom Out<BR>
>Two problems - the first is that the map isn't visible.  I'm assuming it
>to do with the div boxes and the transparent pixels.  Not my main problem,
>I'm sure I can solve it.  The main problem is that when I click on the zoom
>in radio button (or any of the three radio buttons for that matter) I get a
>javascript error "Object doesn't support property or method" pointing at
>line of code for the radio button.
>Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?  Or does anyone have an example of DBox
>working with PHP that they can point me at?
>Thank You,
>Rob McCulley
>GIS Coordinator
>County of Vermilion River No. 24
>(780) 846-2244
>RMcCulley at County24.com

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