mapscript/java errors

orkun temiz at DEPREM.GOV.TR
Mon Jun 20 07:56:52 EDT 2005

Umberto Nicoletti wrote:

>you should find a in mapscript/java.
>Try to run the tests with
>make test
>On 6/20/05, orkun <temiz at> wrote:
>>Umberto Nicoletti wrote:
>>>You need to compile mapserver first and then cd to mapscript/java. You
>>>should try to run
>>>make interface
>>>before running make  in mapscript/java as it will generate/update the
>>>swig-generated interface files. You need a very recent version of swig
>>>to run make interface.
>>>I have not tried mapserver 4.6 yet so there might be unresolved issues
>>>with java maspcript that I am not aware of.
>>>On 6/20/05, orkun <temiz at> wrote:
>>>>thank you for your interest:
>>>>- linux debian testing
>>>>- mapserver-4.6.0-beta1
>>>>- I changed mapscript/java then entered make and the nightmare started.
>>>>here is my config
>>>>--with-proj \
>>>>--with-threads \
>>>>--with-ogr \
>>>>--with-gd=/usr/local/gd-2.0.33  \
>>>>--with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config  \
>>>>--with-png  \
>>>>--with-php=/usr/local/php-5.0.4/ \
>>>>I have been using phpmapscript. But I am curious about java.
>>>>Can you say that developing and using mapserver with java is better
>>>>than php ?
>>>>XamimeLT - installed on mailserver for domain
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>>>>The views and opinions expressed in this e-mail message are the sender's own
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>>>>Bu e-postadaki fikir ve gorusler gonderenin sahsina ait olup, yasal olarak T.C.
>>>>B.I.B. Afet Isleri Gn.Mud. Deprem Arastirma Dairesi'ni baglayici nitelikte degildir.
>>with make interface, it produced so many *.java files in
>>../mapscript/java/edu/umn/gis/mapscript/  directory.
>>not a compiled library as in ?
>>Is there anything as next step ?
>>XamimeLT - installed on mailserver for domain
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>>The views and opinions expressed in this e-mail message are the sender's own
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>>of General Directorate of Disaster Affairs.
>>Bu e-postadaki fikir ve gorusler gonderenin sahsina ait olup, yasal olarak T.C.
>>B.I.B. Afet Isleri Gn.Mud. Deprem Arastirma Dairesi'ni baglayici nitelikte degildir.
thank you again

$ make test
javac -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -d examples/ examples/*.java
java -classpath ./:examples/:./mapscript.jar -Djava.library.path=. 
DumpShp ../../tests/point.shp
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no mapscript in java.library.path
make: *** [test] Error 255


XamimeLT - installed on mailserver for domain
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The views and opinions expressed in this e-mail message are the sender's own
and do not necessarily represent the views and the opinions of Earthquake Research Dept.
of General Directorate of Disaster Affairs.

Bu e-postadaki fikir ve gorusler gonderenin sahsina ait olup, yasal olarak T.C.
B.I.B. Afet Isleri Gn.Mud. Deprem Arastirma Dairesi'ni baglayici nitelikte degildir.

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