SWIG typemap for C# to receive gdBuffer as byte array

Szekeres Tamás szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU
Tue Jun 21 17:30:41 EDT 2005

Mapserver 4.6 implements imageObj.getBytes() to get the image as array of
bytes. To generate C# wrapper a proper typemap should be created for this
language. The folowing code gives a solution, if you have a better one
please reply:

create a file eg. csmodule.i with the following contents:

%typemap(ctype) gdBuffer %{void%}
%typemap(imtype) gdBuffer %{void%}
%typemap(cstype) gdBuffer %{byte[]%}
%typemap(out) gdBuffer
%{ SWIG_csharp_bytearray_callback($1.data, $1.size);
gdFree($1.data); %}
%typemap(csout) gdBuffer {
return $modulePINVOKE.GetBytes();

%insert(runtime) %{
/* Callback for returning byte arrays to C#, the resulting array is not
marshaled back, so the caller should call GetBytes to get back the results
typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpByteArrayHelperCallback)(const
unsigned char *, const int);
static SWIG_CSharpByteArrayHelperCallback SWIG_csharp_bytearray_callback =
%pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{
class SWIGByteArrayHelper
public delegate void SWIGByteArrayDelegate(IntPtr data, int size);
static SWIGByteArrayDelegate bytearrayDelegate = new
public static extern void
static void CreateByteArray(IntPtr data, int size)
arraybuffer = new byte[size];
Marshal.Copy(data, arraybuffer, 0, size);
static SWIGByteArrayHelper()
static SWIGByteArrayHelper bytearrayHelper = new SWIGByteArrayHelper();
static byte[] arraybuffer;
internal static byte[] GetBytes()
return arraybuffer;
%insert(runtime) %{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
DllExport void SWIGSTDCALL
callback) {
SWIG_csharp_bytearray_callback = callback;

modify mapscript.i as

/* C# */
%include "csmodule.i"

the method can be accessed as the following code in c#:

using(imageObj image = map.draw())
byte[] img = image.getBytes();
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(img))
    mapPicture.Image = Image.FromStream(ms);

Tamas Szekeres

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