java mapscript error

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jun 22 03:51:30 EDT 2005

> hello
> JAVA_HOME ????

You really should RTFM

> if you mean this:
> orkun at landslide:~/work/mapserver-4.6.0/mapscript/java$ printenv | grep 
> java
> PWD=/home/orkun/work/mapserver-4.6.0/mapscript/java
> orkun at landslide:~/work/mapserver-4.6.0/mapscript/java$
> But I did not have any environment variable like JAVA_HOME
> I tried to produce it:
> /mapscript/java$ JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_03/"

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_03"

Have you tried with java 1.4.2? That works for sure.


> then make
> it gives same errors.
> I am new in java and its installation. I am not sure
> if my java installation is correct.
> I followed debian installation way.
> Later I have java_libs known by
> my system.
> landslide:/home/orkun# cat /etc/
> /usr/X11R6/lib
> /usr/lib/grass/lib
> /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_03/lib
> mapserver can not still be installed.
> I realized later that I had skipped to sent you history's last values.
>  506  ./ins2   #executable file containing config values
>  507  make clean
>  508  make
>  509  make install
>  510  cd mapscript
>  511  cd java
>  512  make interface
>  513  make  *** errors
>  514  history 10
> regards
my last message

thank you

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