geographic coordinates don't work

Donlad Harter harterc1 at COMCAST.NET
Thu Jun 23 16:06:15 PDT 2005

I would like to use geographic coordinates for my main window. My only 
layer is georeferenced DRG which uses the UTM projection.   It doesn't 
work.  If I change it and the extents to UTM it does.  How can I use 
geographic coordinates?  I have also noticed that my map file won't work 
with the layer status "on".  It has to be "default"
Here is most of my map file.:

 NAME           test3
 IMAGETYPE      png
 #EXTENT        578853 3857452.040  592267.160 3875770.440
  EXTENT        -86.125 34.875 -86 35  SIZE           1000 600
 SHAPEPATH      "/var/www/html/data/topo"
 SYMBOLSET      "tutorial/symbols/symbols35.sym"
 FONTSET        "tutorial/fonts/fonts.list"

   TEMPLATE  'test3_template.html'
   IMAGEPATH '/var/www/html/tmp/'
   IMAGEURL  '/tmp/'
   MINSCALE 10000
   MAXSCALE 250000

#    "proj=utm"
#    "zone=16"
#    "north"       END
 # Start of LAYER DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------

 LAYER # raster layer begins here
   NAME         N_AL
   STATUS    DEFAULT       TILEINDEX "al_index.shp"
   TILEITEM "Location"

   SIZEUNITS    meters
    "north"       END
 END #  raster layer ends here

# End of LAYER DEFINITIONS -------------------------------

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