[mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 28 10:15:18 EDT 2005

This is what I also suspected and this is why I never attempt to
release objects on my own, but I always leave it up to the gc.
Even in that case a segfault is indeed possible and that's why we need
to open an issue on bugzilla so that the developers know.

A patch is probably not too difficult to develop if only I had more time :-(


On 6/28/05, Benedikt Rothe <umn-ms at hydrotec.de> wrote:
> Hallo Umberto and Christian 
> Christian reported a crash in layerObj.delete() which I 
> also detected. 
> I think I understood the following: 
> Let's say, we have an initialized  mapObj mO; 
> layerObj lO = new layerObj(mO); 
> // Say lO is the 5th layer now. 
> // Now lO.swigCMemOwn == true and 
> //     lO.swigCPtr points onto the mO.swigCPtr->layers[4] 
> ... 
> // now the mapObj is deleted but the Java-layerObj continues to live. 
> // the C-layer-Object mO.swigCPtr->layers[4] will deleted and freed also! 
> mO.delete() 
> // From now on O.swigCPtr points into invalid piece of C-memory. 
> ... 
> Later on the Java-garbage-collector finalizes the layerObj. 
> Because of "lO.swigCMemOwn == true" and "lO.swigCPtr!=0" the finalize-method
> calls 
> layerObj.delete(). This method frees lO.swigCPtr which is invalid memory. 
> Same story about layerObj/classObj. 
> Benedikt Rothe 
> UMN MapServer Users List <MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU> schrieb am
> 28.06.2005 12:16:01:
>  > Hello Umberto,
>  > 
>  > Umberto Nicoletti wrote:
>  > 
>  > >Hi Christian,
>  > >I do not think the error you are getting is due to threading issues,
>  > >but trying what Mario suggests will at least narrow the search field.
>  > >
>  > >In case you are still getting errors even with synchronized code
>  > >blocks I have a few questions for you to help me understand your
>  > >setup:
>  > >Do you always get errors in delete_classObj or do the segfaults happen
>  > >in different functions?
>  > >
>  > >
>  > Yes, the segfaults alway happen in the delete_classObj function.
>  > 
>  > >If the segfault is always caused by
>  > >delete_ClassObj then I suppose you are creating class objects in your
>  > >java code. Is that true?
>  > >
>  > >
>  > Yes, that's true, I need to create classObjects.
>  > 
>  > >If that is the case then we can setup a very simple test to reproduce
>  > >the problem: modify one of the examples so that it will load a map and
>  > >then start adding classes in similar fashion to your code, but in a
>  > >tight loop. Classes should be made eligible for gc by dropping all
>  > >references to them. As soon as gc kicks in the vm should crash. At
>  > >that point it will be clear that the problem is in delete_ClassObj and
>  > >the hunting season will be open.
>  > >
>  > >
>  > I have tested a proposed solution by Benedikt Rothe yet, which said that
>  > one should call the delete method of the classObject after it is not
>  > needed any more.
>  > This confirms my assumption that this problem occours when java's
>  > garbage-collector destroys the null-referenced objects. Now it seems to
>  > work properly.
>  > 
>  > The mapserver version we actually use is 4.4.1, we have tested 4.4.2,
>  > 4.2.4 and 4.6.0, too before.
>  > 
>  > Thank you all for your help!
>  > 
>  > Best Regards,
>  > Christian :-)
>  > 
>  > 
>  > >BTW can you report the mapserver version you are using (I have 4.4.2
>  > >and I know it works, so if you can use that).
>  > >
>  > >Best Regards,
>  > >Umberto
>  > >
>  > >On 6/21/05, Christian Schroeder <mailings at abiwood99.de> wrote:
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >>Hello Umberto,
>  > >>
>  > >>thank your for your immediate answer.
>  > >>I do not call the delete_ methody directly and don't think I am using
>  > >>special gc parameters.
>  > >>
>  > >>And... I have read the README file before compiling the mapserver :-)
>  > >>
>  > >>I will try to get it to work with "synchronized"-flags als Mario Basa
>  > >>supposed.
>  > >>
>  > >>Thank you!
>  > >>
>  > >>Christian
>  > >>
>  > >>
>  > >>Umberto Nicoletti schrieb:
>  > >>
>  > >>
>  > >>
>  > >>>Christian,
>  > >>>are you calling the delete_ methods directly in your code or are you
>  > >>>using some special gc paramaters?
>  > >>>
>  > >>>As a side note the --use-threads option to configure is *absolutely*
>  > >>>necessary, as are brakes on your car. I think we should write it in
>  > >>>the README (as if someone actually cared to read it :-( ).
>  > >>>
>  > >>>Best regards,
>  > >>>Umberto
>  > >>>
>  > >>>
>  > >>>On 6/21/05, Sean Gillies <sgillies at frii.com> wrote:
>  > >>>
>  > >>>
>  > >>>
>  > >>>
>  > >>>>I'm forwarding this to the users list. Hopefully, Umberto will be
> able
>  > >>>>to provide some insight.
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>>cheers,
>  > >>>>Sean
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>>On Jun 16, 2005, at 5:08 PM, Christian Schröder wrote:
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>>
>  > >>>>>Dear Mr. Gillies,
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>some weeks ago me and Florian Pepping contacted you because we had
>  > >>>>>problems using the Java Mapscript API. Thanks to you we could solve
>  > >>>>>these problems :-)
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>Now we got our program doing what it's supposed to do but there is
>  > >>>>>still a big problem left which we were not able to solve yet:
>  > >>>>>We created a simple servlet which is created inside a Tomcat 5.0
>  > >>>>>Webserver. This servlet created a map image (png/jpg) and displays
>  > >>>>>some specified objects on the map. (We use it for location based
>  > >>>>>services --> "show me the position of the next printer").
>  > >>>>>After an irregular number of calls of our servlet which uses the
> Java
>  > >>>>>Mapscript API the complete Java VM and with it the Tomcat crashes. I
>  > >>>>>attached the error report below. The program works properly for a
>  > >>>>>number of calls (between 5 and 1000 :-) ) and after that it crashes.
>  > >>>>>We have tried several versions of the mapserver (4.4.1, 4.4.2,
> 4.2.4,
>  > >>>>>4.6.1 RC1) and compiled the Java Mapscript Module with JDK 1.4.2 and
>  > >>>>>1.5.0. We also configured mapserver using the --with-threads option,
>  > >>>>>but all this did not help. By the way the mapserv cgi-module works
>  > >>>>>properly.
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>Do you have an idea for this?
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>Thanks for your anxiety
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>Christian & Florian
>  > >>>>>University of Paderborn, Germany
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>
>  >
> >>>>>-------------------------------------------------------------------
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>JavaMapscriptLoader: mapscript native library has been loaded.
>  > >>>>>* mapscript native library loaded *
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the
>  > >>>>>VM.
>  > >>>>>Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x3338268
>  > >>>>>Function=delete_classObj+0x8
>  > >>>>>Library=/usr/lib/libmapscript.so
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>Current Java thread:
>  > >>>>>       at
> edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptJNI.delete_classObj(Native
>  > >>>>>Method)
>  > >>>>>       at
> edu.umn.gis.mapscript.classObj.delete(classObj.java:32)
>  > >>>>>       at
> edu.umn.gis.mapscript.classObj.finalize(classObj.java:26)
>  > >>>>>       at
> java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Native Method)
>  > >>>>>       at
> java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer(Finalizer.java:83)
>  > >>>>>       at
> java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(Finalizer.java:14)
>  > >>>>>       at
>  >
> >>>>>java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:160)
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>Dynamic libraries:
>  > >>>>>Can not get information for pid = 10558
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>Heap at VM Abort:
>  > >>>>>Heap
>  > >>>>>def new generation   total 1152K, used 135K [0x08ae0000, 0x08c20000,
>  > >>>>>0x08fc0000)
>  > >>>>> eden space 1024K,   0% used [0x08ae0000, 0x08ae4078, 0x08be0000)
>  > >>>>> from space 128K, 100% used [0x08c00000, 0x08c20000, 0x08c20000)
>  > >>>>> to   space 128K,   0% used [0x08be0000, 0x08be0000, 0x08c00000)
>  > >>>>>tenured generation   total 15048K, used 13624K [0x08fc0000,
>  > >>>>>0x09e72000,
>  > >>>>>0x0cae0000)
>  > >>>>>  the space 15048K,  90% used [0x08fc0000, 0x09d0e1c0, 0x09d0e200,
>  > >>>>>0x09e72000)
>  > >>>>>compacting perm gen  total 18432K, used 18373K [0x0cae0000,
>  > >>>>>0x0dce0000,
>  > >>>>>0x10ae0000)
>  > >>>>>  the space 18432K,  99% used [0x0cae0000, 0x0dcd1618, 0x0dcd1800,
>  > >>>>>0x0dce0000)
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>Local Time = Tue Jun 14 15:32:19 2005
>  > >>>>>Elapsed Time = 246
>  > >>>>>#
>  > >>>>># The exception above was detected in native code outside the VM
>  > >>>>>#
>  > >>>>># Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2_08-b03 mixed mode)
>  > >>>>>#
>  > >>>>># An error report file has been saved as /tmp/hs_err_pid10558.log.
>  > >>>>># Please refer to the file for further information.
>  > >>>>>#
>  > >>>>>
>  >
> >>>>>-------------------------------------------------------------------
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>On Mar 22, 2005, at 12:02 PM, Florian Pepping wrote:
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>
>  > >>>>>>Dear Mr. Gillies,
>  > >>>>>>
>  > >>>>>>I'm a student of the University of Paderborn in Germany and member
> of
>  > >>>>>>the project group "Location Based Services for Wireless Devices".
> In
>  > >>>>>>this project we try to position laptops and other WLAN-enabled
>  > >>>>>>devices  using the signal strength of the WLAN. According to their
>  > >>>>>>position, we  want to offer location based services to the persons
>  > >>>>>>using the devices  (where I am; where's the next printer; is there
> a
>  > >>>>>>friend nearby)
>  > >>>>>>
>  > >>>>>>In order to do this, we want to use your mapserver and the Java
>  > >>>>>>Mapscript API to generate maps according to the actual position and
>  > >>>>>>situation. We like to customize the map of our building and add
>  > >>>>>>points, lines and so on.
>  > >>>>>>
>  > >>>>>>We have been able to compile the whole mapserver and the Java
>  > >>>>>>Mapscript API. A small Java example also works, which presents an
>  > >>>>>>unchanged map of our building.
>  > >>>>>>
>  > >>>>>>[...]
>  > >>>>>>
>  > >>>>>>
>  > >>>>>>
>  > >>>>>>
>  > >>>
>  > >>>
>  > >>>
>  > >>>
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >

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